Facial Hair Restoration Conveniently Located to Serve La Jolla and San Diego

If your facial hair is lacking or patchy, a surgical procedure known as facial hair restoration can be used to restore a fuller look. This option is similar to hair transplantation for the scalp. It involves precise transplantation of donor follicles and offers lasting results. La Jolla Hair Restoration proudly provides facial hair restoration services to La Jolla, San Diego, and the surrounding area.

Facial Hair Restoration Procedures La Jolla

How Does Facial Hair Restoration Work?

Facial hair restoration is a set of procedures that applies to all major facial features that involve hair. This includes the beard and moustache, as well as the eyebrows. Patients can regain thicker facial hair or make it look more luscious and bushier.

The idea behind the hair restoration procedure is to use healthy hair follicles from donor sites around the patient’s own body and then transplant them to the target areas. By doing so, it can produce the desired effects while ensuring that the outcome looks natural.

Your Consultation

Dr. Carman will ask patients a few questions during the consultation for facial and head hair restoration. Among the vital points he will cover are the patient’s medical history and general health. If the patient is taking any medication that could affect the results of the procedure, this will need to be discussed.

The details of the procedure will then be explained so that patients know what to expect. This would be the best time to ask any questions or bring up any concerns.

Eyebrow Hair Transplantation

If the hair is the frame of your face, your eyebrows are the frame of your eyes. The loss or lack of definition of eyebrows can result from a variety of conditions, including over-plucking, aggressive waxing, or simply being thin due to genetic inheritance. Recreating these critical features can result in improved self-image and facial character.

During the procedure, Dr. Carman will select the hair from the back of your scalp that best matches your eyebrow hair and then use properly angled single hair grafts to recreate the natural growth pattern.

Dr. Carman will select the hair from the back of your scalp that bests matches your eyebrow hair and then uses single hair grafts properly angled to recreate the natural growth pattern.

Facial Hair Restoration Results La Jolla

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* Individual results may vary.

Beard and Mustache Transplantation

Beard and Mustache Transplantation La Jolla

Beard and mustache transplantation is a refined form of strip excision hair transplantation wherein local anesthesia is first administered to the donor region. This is typically paired with sedation to make the procedure more comfortable. Once the anesthesia and sedation have taken effect, a strip of tissue is removed from the donor region.

Single hair follicles are then dissected from the donor strip and placed in small (.7 mm) incisions. This allows for fuller growth within the pre-existing facial hair pattern. It is also common to create entirely new facial hair patterns in cases where very little facial hair is present due to heredity or other factors.

Recovery After Transplantation

Once the chosen transplant procedure is complete, patients may need to take 3-4 days off from work to recover. Typically, only a couple of days off will be needed. Following Dr. Carman’s instructions is vital to help avoid any complications during the recovery procedure.

Patients may notice a minor degree of temporary swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness at the surgical sites after the transplant. Patients will take an antibiotic for a short time in order to avoid any risk of infection following the procedure.

After two to three weeks have passed, the transplanted hairs will fall out. They will then permanently grow back beginning around three to four months. It can take up to a year for all of the grafts to begin growth. As the beard hair begins growing back it can be shaved as normal. Because great care is used when creating the grafting pattern, results can appear quite natural and even.

Good Candidates for Facial Hair Restoration

Ideal candidates for facial hair transplantation can only be determined during a consultation. Our hair specialists will examine your scalp to determine if you will make a good candidate for the procedure. Ideal patients will have enough healthy hair follicles in the donor area to transplant.

Excellent Hair Restoration

I just visited my dermatologist here who sends you her compliments stating that she has never before seen such an excellent hair restoration as the one you did for me, and she has seen many. My hair is growing like a weed (from the second procedure) and it has only been five months.

by TT

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Facial Hair Restoration Procedure La JollaHow Much Does Facial Hair Restoration Cost?

The cost of facial hair restoration varies from patient to patient depending on their individual needs. One factor we take into consideration is the number of grafts needed to achieve the desired look. We’ll develop a treatment plan according to your specific needs and discuss the price you can expect to pay during your consultation.

Contact Our Office to Find Out More

Are you in need of facial hair restoration for your beard, mustache, or eyebrows and want to learn more about our treatment options? If so, get started with a consultation at La Jolla Hair Restoration. Dr. Timothy Carman has years of experience in a number of hair-transplantation procedures and will be available to answer all of your questions, so contact us today to schedule your consultation.

Facial Hair Restoration FAQs

  • How is Donor Hair Selected and Harvested for Facial Hair Transplants?

    When you undergo a facial hair transplant, the donor hair is taken from the back of the scalp, as long as it’s deemed stable. Hair from this location of the body tends to be the most long-lasting and highest quality.

  • What Determines the Suitability of a Candidate for Facial Hair Restoration?

    The ideal candidate for facial hair restoration is experiencing patching in their facial hair growth. Those who have areas of no growth due to past scars and burns also make good candidates. Even those who are looking to create a natural and permanent beard after transitioning make good candidates. These individuals may require multiple procedures to obtain a successful result. Ideal candidates will also have realistic expectations for the surgery and be committed to following the necessary after-care instructions.

  • Can Facial Hair Restoration Be Customized to Create Specific Styles or Patterns?

    When you invest in facial hair restoration, you’ll be able to choose many styling options. Think of this as being similar to choosing a hairstyle for your head. You can opt for many different styles, including:

    • Creating defined sideburns
    • Designing a full mustache
    • Extending your existing beard to your cheeks
    • Connecting a goatee
    • Filling in a patchy beard
    • Creating a five o’clock shadow
  • What is the Recovery Process Like After a Facial Hair Transplant?

    You can expect to take at least one week off from your normal activities while you heal. You’ll want to avoid touching your new hair for at least the first five days following your cosmetic surgery. You can wash your face after the first 24 hours following your surgery, however, you don’t want to rub it dry. Rather, you’ll want to pat it dry to avoid any excess skin irritation at the treatment site. To reduce any swelling that occurs, you’ll want to keep your head elevated for the first five post-operative days.

    In three to four weeks after your treatment, you may experience shedding of the transplanted hairs. When this happens, the hair shafts will fall out, and new hair will grow in their place. You should avoid swimming in pools for at least four weeks after your procedure.

  • How Permanent Are the Results of Facial Hair Restoration?

    One of the best parts of undergoing facial hair restoration is that it’s completely permanent. It’s estimated that around 90% of all the hair follicles that are transplanted will remain healthy and grow.

  • Can Facial Hair Restoration Be Used to Cover Scars or Skin Imperfections?

    When you have scarring on your face from acne or other injuries, the hair may be absent in those areas. Fortunately, hair restoration surgery can change that. By transplanting healthy hair follicles to the scar locations, new hair growth can take place. Hair restoration surgery is very common for individuals who want to cover up skin imperfections with healthy, luscious hair.

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Recreate your natural head of hair



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